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The Deal is an informal agreement between the Council and everyone who lives or works here to work together to create a better borough. It is a series of pledges that we have committed to and in return we need residents and businesses to play their part too.

Thanks to the hard work and commitment of residents and communities The Deal has been a huge success. The Deal in Action programme is a great example of how communities are coming together to make The Deal work.

Our Deals

Our Deals are wide ranging, offering partnership work and support in a number of areas. The Deal allows us to deliver our vision to be a confident place with confident people and ensure the best possible outcomes for our residents.

The Deal 2030

We are creating a new vision for the borough through the Deal 2030. It leads on from our Deal for the Future to continue to work towards building strong, resilient communities.

We have embarked upon a large programme of community engagement, listening to our residents and capturing their views. Residents have had the opportunity to tell us their ideas of how the borough should look and feel in 2030.


The aim for our next strategy will be to develop a borough-wide vision, setting out where we want to be by 2030. This vision will be co-designed with our partners and our communities to jointly develop and own the strategy, making the Deal 2030 a plan for the place.

The Deal is about all services in the council and all residents of the borough. It is about beliefs and a culture change and way of working that reflects everything that we do.

number of apprenticeships
jobs delivered

The Staff Deal

Our staff are encouraged to sign up to the Staff Deal, which is an informal agreement with all our staff that outlines what employees can expect from us, and in return what we expect from them.

In order to deliver changed relationships we have changed the way we work. This means not only changing our systems, services and processes but also our workforce behaviours, values and ethos. The BeWigan Behaviours ensure our workforce take pride in what they do and are open to doing things differently, in line with our Staff Deal.

As part of the Staff Deal we offer a range of exclusive rewards and benefits to thank our employees for their hard work and commitment.


The Deal for your Street

The Deal for Your Street describes how we empower communities to take responsibility for their own environment. Through the Deal for Your Street, we will work together with our residents and communities to inspire pride, and deliver a safe, green borough.

Residents, staff, businesses and schools will be engaged wherever possible; we will seek to provide opportunities for our partners to be more involved in delivering their part of The Deal improving their local environment and encouraging them to be more self-reliant.


The Deal for Children and Young People

The Deal for Children and Young People recognises the key role local public services play in enabling children and young people to make the most of their strengths in order to remain healthy and resilient.

A key part of the Deal is to work in partnership with public services to promote and develop assets which will provide the opportunities required to enable all of our children and young people to be healthy, stay safe, to enjoy and achieve.


The Deal for Adult Social Care and Health

The Deal for Adult Social Care and Health is our approach to adult social care and is a radical change in how we work.

This is a brand new approach to assessments which views everyone as unique individuals who have strengths, assets, gifts and talents. Through the work of the Deal for Adult Social Care and Health, we will support people to live the best life they can, rather than fitting them into an inflexible range of traditional and expensive services.

The Deal for Adult Social Care and Health focuses on an asset based approach which considers what a person can do and enjoys doing, rather than what they can’t do.

The Deal for Health and Wellness

In Wigan Borough we believe that everyone has the right to live a long and healthy life and we want to turn that belief into a reality.

We work hard to provide training and job opportunities, good quality housing and keep people connected to their local community. We’ll also ensure that our high quality health services are accessible and sustainable.

See how we're working to improve health and promote wellness.


The Deal for Business

Wigan depends on businesses to create an economy that is both successful and sustainable, promoting opportunity, growth and innovation.


The Deal for Business is a voluntary agreement between the Council and businesses which signifies a shared commitment to supporting the economic growth of the borough.

We encourage all businesses that engage with us to sign up to The Deal for Business and embrace our ambitions for a prosperous and competitive Wigan.